
New in version 1.44.0: Moved from the genvid.toolbox package.

Tool for manipulating the SDK.

usage: genvid-sdk [-h] [--loglevel {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR}]
                  [--logformat LOGFORMAT] [-c CLUSTER_ID]

Positional Arguments


Possible choices: sdk-version, version, env, clean, clean-config, clean-images, clean-images-sdk, cluster-version, consul-template, docker-package, generate-ssl, list-nodes, load-config, load-config-sdk, load-settings-schema, log, monitor, open, open-link, package, render-template, set-taskgroup-count, setup, setup-nomad, setup-vault, show-config, show-config-sdk, show-jobs, show-settings-schema, start, stop, update-images, upload-images, upload-images-sdk

Named Arguments


Possible choices: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR

Set the script log level


Set the script log format

-c, --cluster_id

The cluster id. If not set with the command line, uses the environment variable GENVID_CLUSTER_ID if it exists. Otherwise defaults to ‘local’



Print current SDK versions

genvid-sdk sdk-version [-h]


Print current versions

Changed in version 1.31.0: Now acts similarly to genvid-bastion version, returning the genvid-toolbox version instead of the SDK version. The old behavior is available through genvid-sdk cluster-version.

genvid-sdk version [-h]


Print used environment variables.

genvid-sdk env [-h]


Uninstall services.

genvid-sdk clean [-h]


Clean the whole configuration.

genvid-sdk clean-config [-h] [source]

Positional Arguments


The configuration file that you want to remove.


Delete all uploaded images.

genvid-sdk clean-images [-h] [-b BUCKET] [-p PATH] [-u]

Named Arguments

-b, --bucket

Name of the bucket to use. Default is a combination of AWS account and bastion ids.

-p, --path

The path in the bucket (default: “/images/custom”).

-u, --update-config

Upload configuration in the current cluster.


Clean uploaded SDK images.

New in version 1.20.0.

genvid-sdk clean-images-sdk [-h] [-b BUCKET] [-p PATH] [-u]

Named Arguments

-b, --bucket

Name of the bucket to use. Default is a combination of AWS account and bastion ids.

-p, --path

The path in the bucket (default: “/images/sdk-”).

-u, --update-config

Upload configuration in the current cluster.


Display the version of the Cluster API managing the cluster.

New in version 1.31.0.

genvid-sdk cluster-version [-h]


Apply a Consul template.

Deprecated since version 1.33.0: Please, use render-template instead.

genvid-sdk consul-template [-h] template

Positional Arguments


The template to load.


Docker Package of form

New in version 1.22.0.

genvid-sdk docker-package [-h] [-v VERSION] [-d DESTINATION] docker_image

Positional Arguments


Name of docker image to be packaged

Named Arguments

-v, --version

Version to be given to the package

-d, --destination

Target directory where the archive will be written (default: “GENVID_SDK_FOLDER/images”)


Generate SSL certificate

New in version 1.29.0.

genvid-sdk generate-ssl [-h] [-d DOMAIN] [-o OUTPUTDIR] [-r ROLE]

Named Arguments

-d, --domain

The name of domain that the certificate will be issued for. If none or empty is provided, the certificate will apply only to localhost

-o, --outputdir

The folder to save the result. If none is provided, the current folder is used.

-r, --role

Role name to use for certificates (“sslrole”).


List the registered nodes.

New in version 1.18.0.

genvid-sdk list-nodes [-h] [-t TEMPLATE] [-s SORTEDBY]

Named Arguments

-t, --template

The template for displaying the nodes. default: “{Name:15} ({NodeClass:^10}): {Status}”

-s, --sortedby

The property to sort the nodes.


Append specified configuration to current configuration.

Changed in version 1.26.0: Added the --dryrun argument.

genvid-sdk load-config [-h] [--with-consul-template]
                       [--job-template-dir JOB_TEMPLATE_DIR] [-n]

Positional Arguments


The Nomad template to load.

Named Arguments


Use consul-template to resolve the template.


Directory containing nomad job templates to load

-n, --dryrun

Don’t load the settings, just show the output as JSON.


Load the SDK configuration.

genvid-sdk load-config-sdk [-h] [--schema SCHEMA | --no-schema]

Named Arguments


The schema to load


Do not load the default schema.


Load the schema for the settings API.

New in version 1.41.0.

genvid-sdk load-settings-schema [-h] schema

Positional Arguments


The JSON schema for the cluster settings.


Show a log.

genvid-sdk log [-h] [-t] [-n LINES] [-f] [log]

Positional Arguments


The name of the log. List all logs if not set.

Named Arguments

-t, --tail

Only show the last line.

-n, --lines

The number of lines to tail (10).

-f, --follow

Wait for additional content at the end of file.


Open cluster-ui for this cluster.

genvid-sdk monitor [-h]


Open a GUI to the specified service

Changed in version 1.41.0: Added the --use-proxy argument.

genvid-sdk open [-h] [--use-proxy] [link]

Positional Arguments


The name of the link.

Named Arguments


Always use the bastion proxy to access the service.


Create a package of the form <NAME>_<VERSION>_<CHECKSUM>.zip

New in version 1.22.0.

genvid-sdk package [-h] [-n NAME] [-v VERSION] [-d DESTINATION] [--flatten]

Positional Arguments


Path to a file or directory to be packaged

Named Arguments

-n, --name

Name of package

-v, --version

Version to be given to the package.

-d, --destination

Target Directory to find the archives (default: “GENVID_SDK_FOLDER/images”).


Package will be flattened if set, otherwise it will be hierarchical


Render the template in sources on the cluster-api.

New in version 1.33.0.

genvid-sdk render-template [-h] [-t TEMPLATE_PATH | -c CONTENT] [-s SOURCES]
                           [-e [ENVIRONMENT ...]] [-q] [--set-config]

Named Arguments

-t, --template-path

The relative path inside sources for the template to render.

-c, --content

A file to upload and render as template.

-s, --sources

An URL accessible by the cluster-api containing the sources for the template.

-e, --environment

An environment variable in the form NAME=VALUE to add to the template rendering environment.

-q, --quiet

Don’t print out the rendered template.


The result is loaded as config. This is equivalent to saving the result on disk, and loading it back using the SDK.set_config.


Convert to a config but print it out in JSON format. Can be used with or without --set-config. Imply --quiet.


Set the group count of a task group.

New in version 1.23.0.

genvid-sdk set-taskgroup-count [-h] [-j JOB] [-s STEP] [-i INTERVAL]
                               taskgroup count

Positional Arguments


The name of the task group to change.


The target number to set.

Named Arguments

-j, --job

The name of the job if different from the task group.

-s, --step

The size of the increment or decrement between interval. If 0, directly set the value.

-i, --interval

The interval in seconds between each increment (default: 1.00 s).


Set up the services.

Changed in version 1.20.0: Fixed the default key for the SDK images.

Changed in version 1.41.0: Load schema from GENVID_SDK_SETTINGS_SCHEMA

genvid-sdk setup [-h] [-b BUCKET] [-p PATH]

Named Arguments

-b, --bucket

Name of the bucket to use. Default is a combination of AWS account and bastion ids.

-p, --path

The path in the bucket (default: “/images/sdk-”).


Setup nomad-server token on nomad server.

New in version 1.15.0.

genvid-sdk setup-nomad [-h]


Setup vault service.

New in version 1.15.0.

genvid-sdk setup-vault [-h]


Show the SDK configuration.

genvid-sdk show-config [-h]


Show the SDK configuration.

genvid-sdk show-config-sdk [-h]


Show the jobs.

genvid-sdk show-jobs [-h]


Show the current schema for the settings API.

New in version 1.41.0.

genvid-sdk show-settings-schema [-h]


Start jobs.

Changed in version 1.46.0: Added the --force parameter.

genvid-sdk start [-h] [--force] [jobs ...]

Positional Arguments


The jobs to start.

Named Arguments


Force to reset the task counts.


Stop jobs.

Changed in version 1.46.0: Added the --purge parameter.

genvid-sdk stop [-h] [--purge] [jobs ...]

Positional Arguments


The jobs to start.

Named Arguments


Purge the job immediately.


Update images from a specific bucket.

New in version 1.20.0.

genvid-sdk update-images [-h] [-b BUCKET] [-p PATH | -s] [-n] [-j JSFILE] [-q]

Named Arguments

-b, --bucket

Name of the bucket to use. Default is a combination of AWS account and bastion ids.

-p, --path

The path in the bucket (default: “/images/custom”).

-s, --sdk

Use SDK default configuration

-n, --dryrun

Only print the configuration. Do not update.

-j, --jsfile

Use this configuration instead of fetching it from the bucket.

-q, --quiet

Don’t print the configuration on standard output.


Upload the specified images prefix.

Changed in version 1.26.0: Added the --region argument.

genvid-sdk upload-images [-h] [-b BUCKET] [-p PATH] [-u] [-d BASEDIR]
                         [--cloud-provider {aws,azure}] [--region REGION]
                         [prefixes ...]

Positional Arguments


The prefixes of the images to upload.

Named Arguments

-b, --bucket

Name of the bucket to use. Default is a combination of AWS account and bastion ids.

-p, --path

The path in the bucket (default: “/images/custom”).

-u, --update-config

Upload configuration in the current cluster.

-d, --basedir

The basedir where to find the images to upload (default: “GENVID_SDK_FOLDER/images”).


Possible choices: aws, azure

Cloud Provider to use, default: “aws”


Region where the images will be uploaded.


Upload the SDK images.

Changed in version 1.26.0: Added the --region argument.

genvid-sdk upload-images-sdk [-h] [-b BUCKET] [-p PATH] [-u]
                             [--cloud-provider {aws,azure}] [--region REGION]

Named Arguments

-b, --bucket

Name of the bucket to use. Default is a combination of AWS account and bastion ids.

-p, --path

The path in the bucket (default: “/images/sdk-”).

-u, --update-config

Upload configuration in the current cluster.


Possible choices: aws, azure

Cloud Provider to use, default: “aws”


Region where the images will be uploaded.