RemoteGUI is deprecated as a separated job and is moved to Studio. See RemoteGUI for more information. If you still wish to run RemoteGUI as a separated job, refer to the deployment section.
For local applications, you can simply load the RemoteGUI to your cluster.
py load
For cloud clusters, you’ll need to build the docker image and upload it to your s3 bucket.
py build-cloud
py -c {clustername} upload-images --update-config
py -c {clustername} load
You will then have access to the following links: COMPOSITION GUI, ENCODING GUI, and SDK GUI.
In a local cluster, each link can only open one concurrent instance. The link becomes red once you have an instance running and turns back to blue when you close the instance.
If you want to add the RemoteGUI SDK integration to your game, simply open a port and service for it in your Nomad template. Nomad passes the allocated address to the C++ program via environment variables, so the port name has to be sdkgui for it to be recognized. The service name can vary as long as you match it in your link declaration. You can find examples by looking at the configs and templates of any of the cube samples.