
web browser

An application which can display web content. Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge are the most common modern web browsers.


The process using a service running on a server. In general, this usually refers to the web application that connects a viewer to the Genvid Broadcast Session.

Control Service

A service handling the request to setup and monitor a Genvid Broadcast Session and its services. You access the control services to create a new stream or a new event channel, to register a client, to discover the streams and event channels available on the server and their point of connections, and to monitor the resources available.

game developer

Original maker of video game content.

Event Channel

Genvid Events are asynchronous, non-persistent structured data communicated between the game and the clients, in either direction. Contrary to streams, events are sent as soon as possible to their destination. To help scale, Genvid Events coming from the clients to the game are collected internally and only a periodic summary of the events are sent to the game.

Event Service

An event service handle event channels between the games and the viewers and other clients of the service.

Genvid Broadcast Session

A broadcasting session is initiated by the game and broadcast to all viewers of a streaming channel, like YouTube or Twitch. It is composed of a single broadcast stream and any numbers of event channels. There can only be a single broadcast session at a time on a Genvid Service Cluster.

Genvid Service Cluster

A group of Genvid services running on dedicated self-hosted servers that provide coordinated Streaming Services and Event Channels for a single broadcasting session.

Internal Worker Server

A server that runs services which can only be accessed by other known trusted servers.

livestreaming platform

Any platform providing livestreaming capability. This includes YouTube Gaming, Twitch, Mixer, etc.

messaging bus
high-scalable messaging bus

The internal mechanism by which Genvid services achieve one-to-millions connectivity expected from our solution.


Any direct participant in a game, usually controlling of or more avatars. Not to be confused with a video player.

Public Worker Server

A server running services that present a public interface, accessible to any clients.


A machine, either physical or virtual, connected to other machines that provide some services. The Genvid MILE SDK uses three types of servers: supervisor server, internal worker server and public worker server.


A group of processes running on one or many servers and providing some useful functionalities to other processes, called their clients. The Genvid MILE SDK uses three kinds of services: Control Service, Streaming Service, and Event Service.


Any structured type of data being sent to the viewer. The audio and video streams are handled by the livestreaming platform, whereas The Genvid MILE SDK handles the generic game data streams defined by the game developers. Streams are synchronized through a timestamp, and will be persistent in a future version of the SDK.

Streaming Service

The streaming services are a set of services that handle the production and synchronization of a Genvid Stream.

Supervisor Server

A server with a well-known internal IP address, which supervises and coordinates the services running on the workers servers. They are usually only a limited numbers of them.

video player

An embedded web application, usually proprietary to the livestreaming platform playing back the video stream. We try to always refer to this as a video player to avoid the confusion with the actual player.


Anyone observing a game stream. Traditionally, this person has a passive experience. With Genvid, this person has an active experience, sometimes even participating in the game itself.