A module to enable SDK users to accept license agreement by themselves
azurerm (<= 2.54.0)
terraform >= 0.13
azuread ~> 1.0.0
azurerm <= 2.54.0
tls ~> 3.1.0
- bastionid (string)
Id of this bastion instance
- cluster (string)
Name of your cluster
- datacenter (string)
Consul/Nomad datacenter
Default: default
- instance_game_type (string)
Type of Virtual Network to use for game servers
Default: Standard_NV6
- location (string)
Azure deployment location
Default: East US
- shared_gallery_image_version (string)
SDK Shared Image version, should be only one per Genvid SDK
Default: 1.45.0000
- shared_gallery_name (string)
Shared Gallery Name
Default: SDKgallery
- shared_gallery_resource_group_name (string)
Shared Gallery Resource Group Name
Default: Genvid
- toolbox_location (string)
Genvid Toolbox Wheel file. Only required if you need to update the one from the . An empty value indicates to not install the toolbox.
- trusted_cidrs (list(string))
A list of CIDR to be trusted.
Default: [‘’]
- wingame_image_prefix (string)
Prefix of the wingame image
Default: genvidtech
- cloud_provider
Cloud provider name
- game_admin_password
Game VM admin password
- game_admin_username
Game VM admin username
- game_instance_ids
IDs of the game instances VMs
- game_machine_locations
Azure location where the game VM has been instantiated
- game_machine_names
Names of the games VM instances
- game_public_ips
IPs of the game VM instances
- resource_group_name
Resource group name in which the game VM has been instantiated
- shared_gallery_image_version
The shared image gallery version used to start the VM
- shared_gallery_name
Shared gallery of source image
- shared_gallery_resource_group_name
Resource group where the source image shared gallery is located