Upgrade from 1.43.0 to 1.44.0

Removal of the services check from the cluster-api calls

The cluster-api will no longer check if the services job is running before allowing a change in settings, jobs definitions or events definitions. Although most of the core services will behave correctly when such changes happen, some services and integrations may require a restart to register those changes.

AWS CLI upgrade from v1 to v2

The installed version of AWS CLI have been updated from version 1 to version 2 (2.10.3). This shouldn’t required any changes on your part, but you can check the Migration Guide for the new features available and if any change is required.

Deprecation of Events and Settings API

The Events and Settings API have been deprecated from the genvid.toolbox.ClusterAPI interface, and will now be provided by the SDK. Please, refer to the Genvid MILE SDK documentation for upgrade instructions.