
New in version 1.42.0.

Utility to sync two folders based on a manifest.

usage: genvid-sync [-h] [--loglevel {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR}]
                   [--logformat LOGFORMAT]
                   {sdk-version,version,env,generate,validate,patch} ...

Positional Arguments


Possible choices: sdk-version, version, env, generate, validate, patch

Named Arguments


Possible choices: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR

Set the script log level


Set the script log format



Print current SDK versions

genvid-sync sdk-version [-h]


Print current versions

genvid-sync version [-h]


Print used environment variables.

genvid-sync env [-h]


Generate a manifest from a folder.

genvid-sync generate [-h] [--manifest MANIFEST]
                     [--compare {strict,safe,fast,never}] [-p]
                     [--max-workers MAX_WORKERS]

Positional Arguments


The source folder of the manifest.

Named Arguments


The name of the manifest.


Possible choices: strict, safe, fast, never

The mode of comparison to use.

-p, --progress

Display progress.


Set the maximum workers. The default is to use the number of cpu by 5. A value below 2 deactivated the multithreading.


Validate a manifest against a folder.

genvid-sync validate [-h] [--manifest MANIFEST]
                     [--compare {strict,safe,fast,never}] [-p]
                     [--max-workers MAX_WORKERS]

Positional Arguments


The source folder of the manifest.

Named Arguments


The name of the manifest.


Possible choices: strict, safe, fast, never

The mode of comparison to use.

-p, --progress

Display progress.


Set the maximum workers. The default is to use the number of cpu by 5. A value below 2 deactivated the multithreading.


Patch a folder using a manifest.

genvid-sync patch [-h] [--manifest MANIFEST] [--cache CACHE]
                  [--max-workers MAX_WORKERS] [-n] [--config CONFIG] [-p]
                  [--sync-period SYNC_PERIOD]
                  source destination

Positional Arguments


The source folder of the manifest.


The destination folder.

Named Arguments


The name of the manifest.


A sync folder used as a local cache. Must be the same type as the destination.


Set the maximum workers. The default is to use the number of cpu by 5. A value below 2 deactivated the multithreading.

-n, --dryrun

Show the operations without performing them.


A file containing a list of parameters for TransferConfig. Could be JSON or HCL format.

-p, --progress

Display progress.


Period in seconds after which the current manifest is saved. Default to 60s.