Genvid Audio Parameters

The Genvid Audio Parameters define the parameters to capture sound from your game for your broadcast session. You set these properties to perform the capture in the way you prefer.

Genvid Plugin Audio inspector view

The unique name of the audio stream. (This must be unique to any other stream in your project.)

Audio Mode

Whether to perform audio capture and how. Options in the selectable list are: None, WASAPI, and Unity.

  • None doesn’t perform any audio capture, which can be useful for testing.

  • WASAPI captures audio from the machine running your application.

  • Unity captures audio using the AudioListener in the scene. We recommend using this mode with the Genvid MILE SDK.

Audio Format

The audio format to use for your capture: Unknown, S16LE, or F32LE. The Audio Format property is only used when Audio Mode is set to Unity.

  • Unknown is not a supported type.

  • S16LE is for 16-bit audio.

  • F32LE is for 32-bit audio.


The Audio Listener to use for your capture.


When using the WASAPI audio mode, system alerts, microphone input, and any other audio from the system get captured.


When running at 60 FPS you will have to adjust the DSP buffer size in the project setting to “Good latency” in order to have a submitted audio buffer size that is consistent with that frame rate.


When developing your application using a local environment and WASAPI capture, the game will also capture its own audio stream, creating an audio loop. Set settings.encode.input.silent to true in your configuration (the default setting) to avoid this issue.