
See also

The Cloud Environment - First Steps for a guide on how to setup your Windows AMI using this script.

Initial setup for Genvid Windows Game AMI.

usage: genvid-ami [-h] [--loglevel {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR}] [--logformat LOGFORMAT]
                  {clean,copy,create-docker-machine,delete,describe-permissions,list,modify-permissions,output,rename,save,setup} ...

Positional Arguments


Possible choices: clean, copy, create-docker-machine, delete, describe-permissions, list, modify-permissions, output, rename, save, setup

Named Arguments


Possible choices: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR

Set the script log level


Set the script log format



Uninstall services.

genvid-ami clean [-h] [-f] cluster_id

Positional Arguments


The cluster ID.

Named Arguments

-f, --force

Force delete the cluster.


Copy an AMI across AWS regions.

genvid-ami copy [-h] [--region REGION] [--public] srcami regions [regions ...]

Positional Arguments


The ID of the source AMI.


The region to copy the AMI.

Named Arguments


The region of the source AMI.


Make the new AMI public.


Call docker-machine create on Amazon EC2 with a Genvid AMI.

This command is a shortcut for the following:

docker-machine create {name} --driver amazonec2 --amazonec2-ami {ami-id} --amazonec2-region {region}
   --amazonec2-instance-type {instance-type} --amazonec2-root-size {root-size}
   --amazonec2-device-name {device-name} --amazonec2-ssh-user admin [extras...]

Where the ami-id is selected to correspond to the specified version and region.

New in version 1.37.0.

genvid-ami create-docker-machine [-h] [--region REGION] [--version VERSION] [--instance-type INSTANCE_TYPE] [--root-size ROOT_SIZE] [--device-name DEVICE_NAME] name [extras ...]

Positional Arguments


Name of the docker machine to create.


Extra arguments to pass.

Named Arguments


The region of the source AMI.


The version to check (“”).


EC2 Instance type. Default: “t3.micro”.


Size of the root disk in gigabytes. Sizes smaller than the default can be less reliable. Default: 50.


The name of the root device. Default: “/dev/xvda”


Delete the AMIs and their EBS snapshots.

New in version 1.13.0.

genvid-ami delete [-h] [-r REGION] [-n] ids [ids ...]

Positional Arguments


Ids of the AMI to delete.

Named Arguments

-r, --region

The region of the AMIs.

-n, --dryrun

Don’t actually delete the AMIs, just log what would be done.


Describe the permissions of an AMI.

New in version 1.30.0.

genvid-ami describe-permissions [-h] [--region REGION] ami

Positional Arguments


The ID of the AMI.

Named Arguments


The region of the source AMI.


List available AMI.

Changed in version 1.13.0: Added --region argument.

genvid-ami list [-h] [--region REGION] [--version VERSION] [--prefix PREFIX] [--owner OWNER] [--output OUTPUT] {wingame,server}

Positional Arguments


Possible choices: wingame, server

The type of AMI.

Named Arguments


The region of the source AMI.


The version to check (“”).


The prefix to look for. (default depends on type)


The owner of the AMI. Default: self for wingame, genvidtech for server.


The formatted output of each AMI. Will be used as a template over the AMI object (passed as argument ami). (“{}”)


Modify the permissions of an AMI.

New in version 1.30.0.

genvid-ami modify-permissions [-h] [--region REGION] [--public] [--remove | --reset] ami [user_ids ...]

Positional Arguments


The ID of the AMI.


The list of accounts to give access to the AMI.

Named Arguments


The region of the source AMI.


Make the AMI public.


Remove permissions instead of adding them.


Reset permissions prior to add them.


Return the output of the cluster state.

genvid-ami output [-h] cluster_id [name]

Positional Arguments


The cluster ID.


An optional variable name. Outputs everything otherwise.


Copy a Windows AMI from one prefix to another.

genvid-ami rename [-h] [--region REGION] [--public] srcami dstprefix

Positional Arguments


The ID of the source AMI.


The prefix of the destination AMI.

Named Arguments


The region of the source AMI.


Make the new AMI public.


Create the game AMI

genvid-ami save [-h] [--prefix PREFIX] cluster_id

Positional Arguments


The cluster ID.

Named Arguments


Prefix to save the AMI under.


Initialize a new game instance on AWS.

Changed in version 1.14.0: Added --module argument.

Changed in version 1.27.0: Terraform module path is changed from basic/setup-ami to basic/setup_ami

genvid-ami setup [-h] [--az AZ] [--tfvars TFVARS] [--plan] [--module MODULE] [-t TIMEOUT] [--ami-version AMI_VERSION] [--region REGION] cluster_id

Positional Arguments


The cluster ID.

Named Arguments


Availability zone to use. Use the default settings if None are specified.


A default .tfvars file to set the cluster.


Only plan the action.


The name of the module to use (“SDK-1.45.0/basic/setup_ami”).

-t, --timeout

Timeout in minutes for the setup (60).


Version to use for the AMI.


The region where the VM will be created to initialize the AMI.