New in version 1.42.0.
Utility to sync two folders based on a manifest.
usage: genvid-sync [-h] [--loglevel {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR}] [--logformat LOGFORMAT] {sdk-version,version,env,generate,validate,patch} ...
Positional Arguments
- command
Possible choices: sdk-version, version, env, generate, validate, patch
Named Arguments
- --loglevel
Possible choices: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR
Set the script log level
- --logformat
Set the script log format
Print current SDK versions
genvid-sync sdk-version [-h]
Print current versions
genvid-sync version [-h]
Print used environment variables.
genvid-sync env [-h]
Generate a manifest from a folder.
genvid-sync generate [-h] [--manifest MANIFEST] source
Positional Arguments
- source
The source folder of the manifest.
Named Arguments
- --manifest
The name of the manifest.
Validate a manifest against a folder.
genvid-sync validate [-h] [--manifest MANIFEST] source
Positional Arguments
- source
The source folder of the manifest.
Named Arguments
- --manifest
The name of the manifest.
Patch a folder using a manifest.
genvid-sync patch [-h] [--manifest MANIFEST] [--cache CACHE] [-n] source destination
Positional Arguments
- source
The source folder of the manifest.
- destination
The destination folder.
Named Arguments
- --manifest
The name of the manifest.
- --cache
A sync folder used as a local cache. Must be the same type as the destination.
- -n, --dryrun
Show the operations without performing them.