
class genvid.toolbox.AzureStorageAccount

Bases: object

Utilities to create and manipulate Azure Storage Account.

__init__(bastionAPI, default_region=None)
property AZ_EXE: str

Returns the path of Azure Command Line Tool.

Changed in version 1.46.0: Lazy evaluation of the path now, through a property.


A mirror of AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT, giving the name of the Azure Storage Account


A mirror of AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP, giving the name of the Azure resource group.


The default region name.


Retrieves the name of storage account to use.


Name of storage acount must be unique, between 3 to 24 characters, and can only contain numbers and lowercase letters.


self.AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT if the environment variable is set. Otherwise, a manipulated storage account name is returned.

create_storage_account(storage_account_name: str, resource_group: Optional[str] = None, *, allow_blob_public_access: bool = False)

Creates storage account if it doesn’t exists.

The create command will create the account if it does not exist. Othervise, the command will be ignored.

  • storage_account_name – The name of storage account to create.

  • resource_group – Resource group to be used.

  • allow_blob_public_access – If this storage allow anonymous access to blob.

Changed in version 1.46.0: Added allow_blob_public_access parameter.

list_storage_accounts(resource_group: Optional[str] = None) list

List Storage accounts in the resource group.


resource_group – Resource group to be used.

get_connection_string(storage_account_name: str, resource_group: Optional[str] = None) str

Get the connection string for the storage account.

  • storage_account_name – The name of storage account for which connection string needs to be retrieved.

  • resource_group – Resource group to be used.


Connection String for storage account.

create_resource_group(region: Optional[str] = None, resource_group: Optional[str] = None)

Creates Resource Group if it doesn’t exists.

If the resource group already exists, nothing will be done. Othervise, a resource gorup in specified region will be created.

  • region – Region in which resource group needs to be created.

  • resource_group – Resource group to be created.

check_resource_group_exist(resource_group: Optional[str] = None)

Check if resource group exists.


resource_group – Resource group to be checked.


True if the resource group exists, False othervise.


Gets the tenant id of the azure account.


Tenant ID of azure account.

upload_blob(storage_account_name: str, container_name: str, blob_name: str, filepath: Union[str, Path], resource_group: Optional[str] = None)

Upload specific blob to an Azure Container.

  • storage_account_name – Name of storage account.

  • container_name – The name of container to operate on.

  • blob_name – Name of the blob to be uploaded

  • filepath – Path to the file to be uploaded.

  • resource_group – Resource group in which storage account exists.

add_allowed_ip(storage_account_name: str, ip: str)

Add the IP address to allowed list.

  • storage_account_name – Name of storage account.

  • ip – IP Address to be added.

delete_blob(storage_account_name: str, container_name: str, blob_name: str, resource_group: Optional[str] = None)

Delete specific blob to an Azure Container.

  • storage_account_name – Name of storage account.

  • container_name – The name of container to operate on.

  • blob_name – Name of the blob to be Deleted

  • resource_group – Resource group in which storage account exists.

create_container(storage_account_name: str, container_name: str, access_level: str = 'blob', resource_group: Optional[str] = None)

Create an Azure Container.

  • storage_account_name – Name of storage account.

  • container_name – The name of container to operate on.

  • access_level – Access level of blob.

  • resource_group – Resource group in which storage account exists.

list_containers(storage_account_name: str, resource_group: Optional[str] = None)

List the containers in storage account.

  • storage_account_name – Name of storage account.

  • resource_group – Resource group in which storage account exists.

list_allowed_ips(storage_account_name: str) list

List the of allowed IP address for a storage account.


storage_account_name – Name of storage account.


List of allowed IP addresses.

list_images(storage_account_name: str, container_name: str, prefix: str, resource_group: Optional[str] = None)

List of images for specific path in the Container.

  • storage_account_name – Name of storage account.

  • container_name – The name of container to operate on.

  • prefix – Prefix of image/blob.


List of Images/blobs.

List of shared image gallery.


List of Shared image gallery.

Create shared image gallery in specified resource group.

:param resource_group:Resource group to be created if it does not exists. :param gallery_name: Shared Gallery name to be created.

List of gallery image definitions.

  • gallery_name – Name of shared image gallery.

  • resource_group – Resource group in which the shared image gallery exists.


List of Images/blobs.

create_image_definition(resource_group: str, gallery_name: str, image_definition_name: str, publisher: str, image_sku: str, image_offer: str, os_type: str)

Create a gallery image definition.

  • resource_group – Name of resource group.

  • gallery_name – The name of the shared image gallery.

  • image_defintion_name – Gallery image definition.

  • publisher – Image publisher.

  • image_sku – Image sku.

  • image_offer – Access level of blob.

  • os_type – Name of storage account.

delete_storage_account(storage_account_name: str, resource_group: Optional[str] = None)

Delete the specified storage account.

  • storage_account_name – Name of storage account.

  • resource_group – Resource group in which storage account exists.

delete_container(container_name: str, storage_account_name: str, resource_group: Optional[str] = None)

Delete the specified container.

  • storage_account_name – Name of storage account.

  • container_name – Name of container to be deleted.

  • resource_group – Resource group in which storage account exists.

delete_resource_group(resource_group: str)

Delete the specified resource group.


resource_group – Name of resource group.

class azure_storage.AzureStorageAccount

Implementation of genvid.toolbox.AzureStorageAccount