
class genvid.toolbox.Clusters

Bases: BastionAPI

Base class to manage clusters.

CLUSTER_MAPPED_ARGS = {'plans': 'plan_file'}

Show the global configuration.


Update the global configuration.


bastion_id – The Bastion ID.


Show the global Terraform variables.

global_tfvars_update(tffile: str)

Update the global Terraform variables.


Print the list of clusters.

cluster_exists(cluster_id: str)
cluster_create(cluster_id: str, backend: str = 'default', variable: Optional[List[str]] = None, category: str = 'cluster')

Create a cluster.

  • cluster_id (str) – A unique ID for this cluster.

  • backend (str) – A backend ID.

  • variable (str) – The backend variables.

  • category (str) – A category for this cluster. The only special value is cluster, which indicate a cluster that could managed the cluster-api service.

cluster_delete(cluster_id: str, force: bool = False)

Delete a cluster.

  • cluster_id

  • force – Force the cluster to be deleted.

cluster_show(cluster_id: str)

Show information about the specified cluster.



Changed in version 1.42.0: Dump values as proper JSON if a list or dict.

cluster_static_create(cluster_id: str, output: dict, *, category: str = 'cluster')

Create a static cluster.

  • cluster_id – A unique ID for this cluster.

  • output – A dictionary for the output, must be compatible with Terraform JSON output.

  • category – A category for this cluster. The only special value is cluster, which indicate a cluster that could managed the cluster-api service.

New in version 1.42.0.

cluster_static_update(cluster_id: str, output: dict) None

Update a static cluster.

  • cluster_id – The unique ID identifying the cluster.

  • output – A dictionary for the output, must be compatible with Terraform JSON output.

New in version 1.42.0.

get_instances(clusters: Optional[List[str]] = None) List[dict]

Get the cluster instances.


clusters – The list of clusters.

get_instance_id(clusters: Optional[List[str]] = None, globalcontext: bool = False)

Get a single instance ID.

  • clusters – A list of clusters (must be a single list).

  • globalcontext – The global context.


A single instance or raised exception.


ValueError if the number of instances isn’t 1.

execute_global_action(action: str, globalcontext: bool = False, silent: bool = False, **kwargs)

Execute a global action.

  • action – init, plan, apply, destroy, or refresh.

  • globalcontext – If the action is for global context.

  • silent – Do not print the command logs.

  • kwargs

execute_clusters_action(action: str, clusters: Optional[List[str]] = None, silent: bool = False, *, instances: Optional[List[dict]] = None, **kwargs)

Execute an action for multiple clusters in parallel.

  • action – init, plan, apply, destroy, or refresh.

  • clusters – The list of clusters.

  • silent – Do not print the command logs.

  • kwargs


A dictionary

execute_action(action: Optional[str] = None, cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, instance_id: Optional[str] = None, silent: bool = False, **kwargs)

Execute an action.

  • action – init, plan, apply, destroy, or refresh.

  • cluster_id – The cluster ID. May be empty for the global context.

  • instance_id – The instance ID.

  • silent – Do not print the command logs.

  • kwargs


terraform_get(clusters: Optional[List[str]] = None, globalcontext: bool = False)

Execute a Terraform get.

  • clusters – The list of clusters.

  • globalcontext – The global context.

terraform_plan(clusters: Optional[List[str]] = None, globalcontext: bool = False, destroy: bool = False, silent: bool = False, *, instances: Optional[List[dict]] = None, **kwargs)

Execute a Terraform plan.

A Terraform plan command validates the operation to be carried out on a cluster without actually carrying them. It is good practice to run this command before a terraform_apply() to avoid leaving a cluster half configured in case of errors.

  • clusters – Optional list of cluster IDs to operate on if the instances parameter is None.

  • globalcontext – Whether to perform the operation in the global context.

  • destroy – Whether to plan the destruction of a cluster instead, prior to a terraform_destroy() operation for example.

  • silent – Do not output to the console.

  • instances – Instances to operate on.


If instances is not None then clusters is ignored.

Changed in version 1.21.0:

  • New parameter instances to bypass querying of instances by the method.

  • Augmented documentation and typing annotations.

terraform_plan_destroy(clusters: Optional[List[str]] = None, globalcontext: bool = False, silent: bool = False, *, instances: Optional[List[dict]] = None, **kwargs)

Execute a Terraform plan for destroying clusters.

  • clusters – Optional list of cluster IDs to operate on if the instances parameter is None.

  • globalcontext – Whether to perform the operation in the global context.

  • silent – Do not output to the console.

  • instances – Instances to operate on.


If instances is not None then clusters is ignored.

See also

terraform_plan() for more information.

Changed in version 1.21.0:

  • New parameter instances to bypass querying of instances by the method.

  • Augmented documentation and typing annotations.

terraform_plan_apply(clusters: Optional[List[str]] = None, globalcontext: bool = False, silent: bool = False, *, instances: Optional[List[dict]] = None, **kwargs)

Execute a Terraform plan for applying modules to clusters.

  • clusters – Optional list of cluster IDs to operate on if the instances parameter is None.

  • globalcontext – Whether to perform the operation in the global context.

  • silent – Do not output to the console.

  • instances – Instances to operate on.


If instances is not None then clusters is ignored.

See also

terraform_plan() for more information.

Changed in version 1.21.0:

  • New parameter instances to bypass querying of instances by the method.

  • Augmented documentation and typing annotations.

terraform_import_module(clusters: Optional[List[str]] = None, module_path: str = 'cluster/default', globalcontext: bool = False, silent: bool = False, force: bool = False, *, instances: Optional[List[dict]] = None, **kwargs)

Execute a Terraform import module operation.

This command is used to import a Terraform module unto some clusters. This will effectively move the clusters from state EMPTY to DOWN, waiting for an eventual apply operation to be carried out.

  • clusters – Optional list of cluster IDs to operate on if the instances parameter is None.

  • module_path – Path to the Terraform module to import.

  • globalcontext – Whether to perform the operation in the global context.

  • destroy – Whether to plan the destruction of a cluster instead, prior to a terraform_destroy() operation for example.

  • silent – Do not output to the console.

  • force – Force the import even if the cluster is in an invalid state.

  • instances – Instances to operate on.


If instances is not None then clusters is ignored.

Changed in version 1.21.0:

  • New parameter instances to bypass querying of instances by the method.

  • Augmented documentation and typing annotations.

terraform_init(clusters: Optional[List[str]] = None, globalcontext: bool = False, silent: bool = False, force: bool = False, doall: bool = False, *, instances: Optional[List[dict]] = None, **kwargs)

Execute a Terraform init.

Initialize or update the working directory containing the Terraform configuration files. This is the first command that should be run after writing a new Terraform configuration.

  • clusters – Optional list of cluster IDs to operate on if the instances parameter is None.

  • module_path – Path to the Terraform module to import.

  • globalcontext – Whether to perform the operation in the global context.

  • destroy – Whether to plan the destruction of a cluster instead, prior to a terraform_destroy() operation for example.

  • silent – Do not output to the console.

  • force – Force the command even if some of the clusters are in an invalid state.

  • doall – If True will ignore instances and clusters and will operate on all non-static instances.

  • instances – Instances to operate on.


If instances is not None then clusters is ignored.

Changed in version 1.14.0: Add the doall parameter.

Changed in version 1.21.0:

  • New parameter instances to bypass querying of instances by the method.

  • Augmented documentation and typing annotations.

terraform_apply(clusters: Optional[List[str]] = None, globalcontext: bool = False, silent: bool = False, *, instances: Optional[List[dict]] = None, **kwargs)

Execute a Terraform apply.

A Terraform apply command is used to apply the required configuration on the clusters to reach the state described in the Terraform module.

  • clusters – Optional list of cluster IDs to operate on if the instances parameter is None.

  • globalcontext – Whether to perform the operation in the global context.

  • silent – Do not output to the console.

  • instances – Instances to operate on.


If instances is not None then clusters is ignored.

Changed in version 1.21.0:

  • New parameter instances to bypass querying of instances by the method.

  • Augmented documentation and typing annotations.

terraform_destroy(clusters: Optional[List[str]] = None, globalcontext: bool = False, silent: bool = False, *, instances: Optional[List[dict]] = None, **kwargs)

Execute a Terraform destroy.

A Terraform destroy command is used to clean up the work did by a previous apply command.

  • clusters – Optional list of cluster IDs to operate on if the instances parameter is None.

  • globalcontext – Whether to perform the operation in the global context.

  • silent – Do not output to the console.

  • instances – Instances to operate on.


If instances is not None then clusters is ignored.

Changed in version 1.21.0:

  • New parameter instances to bypass querying of instances by the method.

  • Augmented documentation and typing annotations.

terraform_refresh(clusters: Optional[List[str]] = None, globalcontext: bool = False, silent: bool = False, *, instances: Optional[List[dict]] = None, **kwargs)

Execute a Terraform refresh.

A Terraform refresh command is used to update the clusters’ state files with the real-world infrastructure.

  • clusters – Optional list of cluster IDs to operate on if the instances parameter is None.

  • globalcontext – Whether to perform the operation in the global context.

  • silent – Do not output to the console.

  • instances – Instances to operate on.


If instances is not None then clusters is ignored.

Changed in version 1.21.0:

  • New parameter instances to bypass querying of instances by the method.

  • Augmented documentation and typing annotations.

terraform_output(clusters: Optional[List[str]] = None, globalcontext=False, **kwargs)

Execute a Terraform output.

  • clusters – The list of clusters.

  • globalcontext – The global context.

  • kwargs

terraform_status(clusters: Optional[List[str]] = None, globalcontext=False)

Print the status of the clusters on the command line.

The result can be:

  • VOID: The instance doesn’t exist.

  • EMPTY: The instance exists but isn’t initialized.

  • DOWN: The instance is initialized but doesn’t contain any


  • UP: The instance is managing some resources.

  • BUSY: The instance is currently running a command.

  • ERROR: An error has occured during status retrieval.

  • INVALID: The current status of the instance is unknown.

  • clusters – The list of clusters.

  • globalcontext – The global context.

  • kwargs

terraform_tfvars_show(clusters: Optional[List[str]] = None, globalcontext=False, **kwargs)

Show the terraform.tfvars.json file.

  • clusters – The list of clusters.

  • globalcontext – The global context.

  • kwargs

terraform_tfvars_default(clusters: Optional[List[str]] = None, globalcontext=False, **kwargs)

Show the default terraform.tfvars.json file.

  • clusters – The list of clusters.

  • globalcontext – The global context.

  • kwargs

terraform_schema(clusters: Optional[List[str]] = None, globalcontext=False, **kwargs)

Show the default terraform.tfvars.json file.

  • clusters – The list of clusters.

  • globalcontext – The global context.

  • kwargs

terraform_tfvars_update(clusters: Optional[List[str]] = None, globalcontext=False, tffile: str = '', **kwargs)

Update the terraform.tfvars.json file.

  • clusters – The list of clusters.

  • globalcontext – The global context.

  • file – The source file to update from.

  • kwargs

set_terraform_providers(clusters: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, *, providers_file: str, **kwargs)

Update the Terraform providers using the content of a file.

The file content should match the expected JSON format of BastionAPI.terraform_put_providers.

  • clusters – IDs of clusters to operate on.

  • providers_file – File containing the new providers.

get_terraform_providers(clusters: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, **kwargs)

Display the Terraform providers configuration for some clusters.

The displayed JSON will match the format of BastionAPI.terraform_get_providers.


clusters – IDs of clusters to operate on.

delete_terraform_providers(clusters: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, **kwargs)

Delete the Terraform providers configured on a cluster.


clusters – IDs of clusters to operate on.

commands_list(clusters: Optional[List[str]] = None, globalcontext: bool = False, *, instances: Optional[List[dict]] = None, **kwargs)

Show the list of available commands.

  • clusters – Optional list of cluster IDs to operate on if the instances parameter is None.

  • globalcontext – Whether to list the command from the global context.

  • instances – Instances to operate on.


If instances is not None then clusters is ignored.

Changed in version 1.21.0:

  • Added support to operate on multiple clusters.

  • New parameter instances to bypass querying of instances by the method.

  • Augmented documentation and typing annotations.

commands_log(clusters: Optional[List[str]] = None, globalcontext=False, command_id: str = '', **kwargs)

Print a command log.

  • clusters – The list of clusters.

  • globalcontext – The global context.

  • command_id – The command ID.

  • kwargs

commands_latest(clusters: Optional[List[str]] = None, globalcontext=False, **kwargs)

Print the latest command logs.

  • clusters – The list of clusters.

  • globalcontext – The global context.

  • kwargs


List of all terraform repositories configuration.


Ensure a path is actually a uri and not a file.

The file pointing by the url must actually exist.

repository_add(repository: str, url: str)

Add a repository.

  • repository – The unique name of the repository.

  • url – The url of the repository (must be accessible from the bastion).


The repository configuration.

repository_update(repository: str, url: str = '')

Update an existing repository.

  • repository – The name of the repository.

  • url – The url of the repository(optional).


The repository configuration.

repository_remove(repository: str)

Remove a repository.


name – The name of the repository


The repository configuration.


Update all registered repositories.


Remove all registered repositories.


Get the list of all backend templates.

backend_add(backend_id: str, backend_type: str, variables: Optional[dict] = None)

Add a new backend template.

  • backend_id – The backend ID.

  • backend_type – The type of backend.

  • variables – A list of default variables for the backend.

backend_update(backend_id: str, backend_type: str, variables: Optional[dict] = None)

Update an existing backend template.

  • backend_id – The backend ID.

  • backend_type – The type of backend.

  • variables – A list of default variables for the backend.

backend_remove(backend_id: str)

Remove a backend template.


backend_id – The backend ID.
