
New in version 1.12.0.





class UGenvidAudio

This is the base class that allows you to stream any audio data. It depends directly on UGenvidSession.


virtual void Create()

Create the audio stream and start the audio capture.

virtual void Destroy()

Stop the audio capture and destroy the audio stream.

static UGenvidAudio *CreateAudio(...)

Function used to create the audio.

virtual void SetAudioRate(int audioRate)

Set the audio rate information in the Genvid MILE SDK.

virtual int GetAudioRate()

Get the audio rate from the Genvid MILE SDK.

virtual void SetAudioChannels(int audioChannels)

Set the number of channels in the Genvid MILE SDK.

virtual int GetAudioChannels()

Get the number of channels from the Genvid MILE SDK.

virtual void SetAudioFormat(EGenvidAudioFormat audioFormat)

Set the audio format in the Genvid MILE SDK.

virtual EGenvidAudioFormat GetAudioFormat()

Get the audio format from the Genvid MILE SDK.


enum EGenvidAudioFormat

List of all available audio formats.

enum EGenvidAudioMode

List of all available audio modes.


FString StreamName

Identification name used to stream the audio.

EGenvidAudioFormat AudioFormat

Select which audio format to use.

EGenvidAudioMode AudioMode

Select which capture mode to use for the audio data.

bool bIsCreated

Read-only variable for reporting if the audio has been created.