
Major Fixes and Changes

New Requests Feature (Beta)

The REST and C APIs for the new Requests feature are now available for the webgateway service. This is an early beta release and there may be significant changes before it is finalized. We will provide complete documentation in a future release.

New Static Clusters Feature

New REST and C APIs can now allow to create and update static cluster through the genvid toolbox.

  • [toolbox] Added static-cluster-create and static-cluster-update commands to genvid-clusters.

Minor Changes and Other Fixes

  • [sdk] Fixed an issue where unsubscribing a command with a null callback or ID returns an error.

  • [sdk] Fixed an issue where a deadlock or a race condition happens when calling subscription-related APIs within a callback. See the upgrade notes for more information.

  • [sdk] Fixed an issue where submitting game data, annotations, or notifications with an empty size returned an error.

  • [web-sdk] Added debug overlay to genvidClient2.

  • [toolbox] Improved the output of genvid-clusters cluster-show and genvid-clusters cluster-list by converting list and dict to JSON before output.

  • [toolbox] Added ‘plain text’ and ‘download’ links to the Logs interface, with the corresponding API.

  • [toolbox] Added genvid-sync to allow efficiently synchronizing folders between a local drive and Amazon S3.

  • [gvencode] Fixed an issue where incorrect output FPS was being logged.

  • [gvencode] Fixed an issue causing broadcast errors to not be reported when the connection with IVS breaks.

  • [samples] Fixed the error: PPtr cast failed when dereferencing! Casting from PrefabInstance to Prefab in the Unity Cube sample UnitySceneRoot scene.

  • [samples] Updated notifications in the different Cube Samples to use consistent data-formats.

  • [samples] Fixed the Unity Cube Sample lighting issues using Unity 2021.

  • [unity] Removed an unnecessary call to GetParameters inside GenvidVideoUtils.cs that resulted in an error log.

  • [unity] Stopped GenvidPlugin from forcing the Unity executable to run in Windowed mode. See the upgrade notes for more information.

  • [unity] Added a warning message when trying to sync the DLL after it’s loaded in memory. (For example, when running the game in the editor.) Once Unity loads a native plugin from script it never gets unloaded. The only way to unload is to restart Unity.

  • [unity] Added plugin classes without a namespace to the Genvid namespace.

  • [unity] Fixed an issue where the stack get corrupted when a C# callback was called from the DLL. The bug was only apparent in 32-bits but could have had other side effects in 64 bits.

  • [unity] Improved the Unity plugin code-consistency by applying access specifiers to class members and by restricting MonoBehaviour functions access to private.

  • [nats] Upgraded nats-server from v2.7.2 to v2.9.9.

  • [studio ui] Moved Studio UI link under Monitor section of Cluster UI.

  • [unreal] Added Requests API to UE4 Plugin (beta)

  • [unreal] Improved the management of UE4 modules by unifying them under one plugin and using module dependencies. See the upgrade notes and the Unreal Engine Integration documentation for more details.

  • [unreal] Fixed an issue where the editor module was initialized when running a cook run, displaying an error and failing.

  • [unreal] Fixed an issue where the MainMap were not able to access the Collect Cubes function when cooking.

  • [unreal] Force the Cube Sample for Unreal Engine to target Windows and use D3D11 by default.

  • [unreal] Removed deprecated classes UGenvidStreamer and UGenvidWorldSettings from Unreal Plugin.

  • [unreal] Fixed an issue where game server was crashing when trying to access uninitilized member.

  • [unreal] The Genvid SDK is now properly initialized even on server mode, except that no streams (Audio, Video or Data) are created.