Upgrade from 1.38.0 to 1.39.0

Python upgraded from 3.8 to 3.10.

We upgraded the default support version of Python to version 3.10. If you have both 3.8 and 3.10 installed in parallel on Windows, you can select them using the Python Launcher for Windows.

If you need to force the installation of the genvid-toolbox on a previous version of Python, add the --ignore-requires-python option when you run the install-toolbox.py script.

CURDIR environment variable deprecated.

We deprecated the CURDIR environment variable due to its ambiguous usage. You can replace it with either os.getcwd() or:

curdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

We also deprecated the related genvid.toolbox.BaseTool.setcurdir() method.

Strict HCLv2 compliance required for bastion setup jobs.

Bastion setup jobs now require strict HCLv2 compliance. This only concerns the jobs defined by genvid.toolbox.BastionTool.SETUP_JOBS. You can still declare other bastion jobs as HCLv1. (They have the hclv1 flag.)


We deprecated the ROOTDIR environment variable and replaced it with GENVID_SDK_FOLDER.

setbasescript and setrootdir deprecated.

We deprecated both setbasescript and setrootdir. You can set the CURDIR and GENVID_SDK_FOLDER instead.