Upgrade from 1.32.0 to 1.33.0

With changes introduced in Genvid MILE SDK 1.33.0, we’ve deprecated a number of APIs, classes, and methods. In cases where it’s possible, we include additional instructions for projects that need to rely on prior functionality.


To check if any of your scripts are affected by these changes, run them with the -W default::DeprecationWarning option and look for the warnings. (For example, py -W default::DeprecationWarning myscript.py.)

See the Python warnings module for more info.

/consultemplate replaced by /template_renderer.

We deprecated the Cluster API POST /consultemplate and its associated interfaces in favor of the POST /template_renderer API.

To upgrade:

#. Replace direct calls to POST /consultemplate with the following code:

POST /v1/template_renderer HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  1. Replace the command genvid-sdk consul-template template.txt with:

    genvid-sdk render-template -c template.txt
  2. Replace the method clusterApi.do_consul_template("template-to-render") with:


genvid.toolbox.EventsTool replaced with methods from other classes.

We replaced the genvid.toolbox.EventsTool API with the ClusterAPI events defs methods and the higher level SDK config methods.

For example, the equivalent of calling the method eventsTool.load_map_reduce('events.json') is:


This change also affects RuntimeTool and its descendants.

genvid.toolbox.ConfigTool replaced with methods from other classes.

We replaced the genvid.toolbox.ConfigTool API with the ClusterAPI config and log defs methods, and the higher level SDK config and logs methods. You can also directly use consul_kv for doing the lower-level work.

In addition to the SDK class mentioned above, this change also affects RuntimeTool and its descendants.

genvid.toolbox.ProjectTool replaced by ~genvid.toolbox.ConfigurationLoader.

We replaced the genvid.toolbox.ProjectTool API with ConfigurationLoader, a simpler utility class with fewer dependencies. To replace the old class, derive it from ConsulTemplateTool instead and do the following:

class MyClass(ConsulTemplateTool):

    def load_project_configuration(self, project_config_folder):
        loader = ConfigurationLoader(self, self.load_config_template)
        configuration = loader.load_config_folder(project_config_folder)

The change also affects the classes SDK and BastionTool (through its ancestors). If you need the old functionality, use the method above or derive a new class from ProjectTool. For example, a class MyScript that originally derived from the SDK class is converted to:

class MyScript(SDK, ProjectTool):

It will work just like it did before.

~genvid.toolbox.ConsulTemplateTool replaced by ~genvid.toolbox.ClusterAPI.render_template.

Methods like load_config_template(), consul_template_once(), and consul_template won’t be part of its interface once the deprecation is applied. We recommended you switch to the new render_template() and render_template() methods instead.

If your scripts depend on it, you can add ConsulTemplateTool directly to your hierarchy.

class MyClass(ConsulTemplateTool):

    def load_project_configuration(self, project_config_folder):
        loader = ConfigurationLoader(self, self.load_config_template)
        configuration = loader.load_config_folder(project_config_folder)

genvid-sdk and genvid-bastion now use the new template_renderer API when available.

This should work transparently unless you are using consul-template functions or plugins that depend on the local context of execution not present for cluster-api or bastion-api. If you need to fall back on the old behavior, you can reproduce it by deriving it from ConsulTemplateTool instead and doing the following:

class MyClass(ConsulTemplateTool):

    def load_project_configuration(self, project_config_folder):
        loader = ConfigurationLoader(self, self.load_config_template)
        configuration = loader.load_config_folder(project_config_folder)

AWS and Azure support in genvid-toolbox is now optional.

You can now install genvid-toolbox without the support of Azure or AWS, or with only one of them.

To install without any cloud support, run the following command:

py ./install-toolbox.py --no-extra

To install with only AWS support, run the following command:

py ./install-toolbox.py --extra aws

To install with only Azure support, run the following command:

py ./install-toolbox.py --extra azure

Note that Azure support also now requires that you install the Azure CLI package globally, which can be done through the installer.