Bastion API for jobs

Bastion API documentation for jobs


GET /jobs

Get the list of jobs in the cluster

Request Headers:
  • waitIndex – The wait index is used to monitor the jobs with a long pull.

Response JSON Object:
  • [] (object) –

  • [].name (string) – The job name.

  • [].status (string) – The job status.

  • [].autostart (boolean) – If the job start when starting all jobs.

  • [].byCluster (boolean) – If the job must start for each cluster.

  • [].taskGroups[] (object) – An array of task group.

  • [].taskGroups[].name (string) – The task group name.

  • [].taskGroups[].count (integer) – The required number of task group to run.

  • [].taskGroups[].summary.queued (integer) –

  • [].taskGroups[].summary.complete (integer) –

  • [].taskGroups[].summary.failed (integer) –

  • [].taskGroups[].summary.running (integer) –

  • [].taskGroups[].summary.starting (integer) –

  • [].taskGroups[].summary.lost (integer) –

  • [].hclv1 (boolean) – If the job template is using HCLv1.

Response Headers:
  • waitIndex – undefined

Example response:

    "name": "jobName",
    "status": "running",
    "autostart": true,
    "byCluster": true,
    "taskGroups": [
        "name": "takGroupName",
        "count": 0,
        "summary": {
          "queued": 0,
          "complete": 0,
          "failed": 0,
          "running": 0,
          "starting": 0,
          "lost": 0
    "hclv1": false
GET /job/{jobName}/summary

Get the job summary

  • jobName – The job name

Response JSON Object:
  • name (string) – The job name.

  • status (string) – The job status.

  • autostart (boolean) – If the job start when starting all jobs.

  • byCluster (boolean) – If the job must start for each cluster.

  • taskGroups[] (object) – An array of task group.

  • taskGroups[].name (string) – The task group name.

  • taskGroups[].count (integer) – The required number of task group to run.

  • taskGroups[].summary.queued (integer) –

  • taskGroups[].summary.complete (integer) –

  • taskGroups[].summary.failed (integer) –

  • taskGroups[].summary.running (integer) –

  • taskGroups[].summary.starting (integer) –

  • taskGroups[].summary.lost (integer) –

  • hclv1 (boolean) – If the job template is using HCLv1.

Example response:

  "name": "jobName",
  "status": "running",
  "autostart": true,
  "byCluster": true,
  "taskGroups": [
      "name": "takGroupName",
      "count": 0,
      "summary": {
        "queued": 0,
        "complete": 0,
        "failed": 0,
        "running": 0,
        "starting": 0,
        "lost": 0
  "hclv1": false
POST /jobs/start/{jobName}

Schedule the job to start, or refresh the job if already started.

Changed in version 1.45.0: Added the capacity to refresh the job and the force parameter.

  • jobName – The job name

Query Parameters:
  • force – If the job is already running, force it to update their task counters too with the job definition.

POST /jobs/stop/{jobName}

Schedule the job to stop

  • jobName – The job name

Query Parameters:
  • purge – Force the purge the job in Nomad.

POST /jobs/startall

Schedule or refresh all autostart jobs.

..versionchanged:: 1.45.0

Added the ability to refresh the job and the force parameter.

Query Parameters:
  • force – If the job is already running, force it to update their task counters too with the job definition.

POST /jobs/stopall

Schedule all jobs to stop

Query Parameters:
  • purge – Force the purge the job in Nomad.

POST /jobs/updatecounts

Increment or decrement a task group count. If count is 0, set it to 0.

Request JSON Object:
  • jobID (string) – The name of the job.

  • taskGroup (string) – The task group.

  • count (integer) – The count delta. 0 will stop the job.

Example query:

  "jobID": "jobName",
  "taskGroup": "taskGrouName",
  "count": 0
POST /jobs/settaskgroupcount

Set a task group count.

New in version 1.23.0.

Request JSON Object:
  • jobID (string) – The name of the job.

  • taskGroup (string) – The task group.

  • count (integer) – The value to set the task group count.

Example query:

  "jobID": "jobName",
  "taskGroup": "taskGrouName",
  "count": 0