Streaming Platforms

This page covers the basics of setting up to use any streaming platform, including standalone streaming for testing.


Google Chrome has a policy regarding video autoplay which affects all players. Videos will not automatically start playing unless the website meets the Google autoplay policy. See Google Chrome Autoplay Support for more information on how to handle this on your website.

General Setup

The first thing you need to configure before streaming is a live stream account from a streaming service.

The sections below cover information specific to using YouTube and Twitch.

For development purposes, you also have the Standalone Streaming option which is available by default with the Genvid MILE SDK installation.

The configuration for a streaming service requires the following information:

  • The live stream service type. (Ex: youtube, twitch, or standalone.)

  • The address of the streaming server (usually starting with rtmp://)

  • The unique channel name or channel ID.

  • The private key for the stream.

These configurations can be set in a configuration file usually named with an .hcl extension.

Once the information is added to the configuration file, you can load it using one of these commands:

  • For your local cluster: genvid-sdk load-config myconfigfile.hcl

  • For your cloud cluster: genvid-sdk -c clusterName load-config myconfigfile.hcl

