Twitch Streaming Using a Website
You can use Genvid to provide additional interaction with your Twitch broadcast using a custom website. Your game sends data to your Genvid Cluster, which processes it for use on your website. Your website includes functionality you want to add as an overlay on an embedded Twitch stream.
Integrate the Genvid MILE SDK with your game engine.
Create a custom website using the Genvid MILE SDK to display your stream.
The diagram shows the spectator client integrated with the Genvid MILE SDK passes data to the Genvid Cluster you set up for your game. After processing the data, your Genvid Cluster passes Audio and Video Data to your Twitch Channel. It also passes Game Data to your web server for use on the Genvid Overlay you create for a custom website. The overlay sits on top of an embedded Twitch Stream to provide the functionality you want.