
Minor Changes and Other Fixes

  • [sdk] Improved the performance of the C# SDK wrapper by pinning input arrays before marshalling.

  • [sdk] Added a log to record if there is a failure closing a stream during network disconnections.

  • [sdk] Fixed an issue causing frames to be sent over the network at the lowest framerate set on the existing streams.

  • [sdk] Fixed an issue where data and video resource management led to video stuttering.

  • [gvencode] Fixed de-synchronization between audio and video caused by consecutive frames with the same timestamp being dropped in GVEncode.

  • [rootd, leafd] Fixed an issue where data streams received by the web client could have mixed IDs following a game restart.

  • [native sdk] Fixed an issue on Windows 10 version 2004 and later where setting the video framerate to 60 prevents the genvid.dll from being able to output at that rate.

  • [unity plugin] Fixed an issue where the plugin would submit data and video faster than the stream framerate.