Upgrade from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0
C API upgrade
The only breaking changes in the SDK API is the
and Genvid_UnsubscribeCommand()
that now take an additional void *
parameter. If this parameter
is not needed, just pass NULL
to it.
Script Toolbox upgrade
Version 1.1 introduces the new Genvid configuration files to remove the
necessity to modify local.py
on upgrade. We also allow for the
project to be in any directory, hoping it will help you manage your
project more easily.
In version 1.0, it was required to add a section to local.py
something like this:
# Add mygame
gameDir = os.path.join("samples", "mygame")
self.GAMES["mygame"] = dict(
binaries=os.path.join(self.ROOTDIR, gameDir, "app", "x64", "Release", "mygame.exe"),
gamepath=os.path.join(self.ROOTDIR, gameDir, "app"),
buildGameCommand=[os.path.join(self.ROOTDIR, gameDir, "run.py"), "build"],
buildWebCommand=[os.path.join(self.ROOTDIR, gameDir, "web", "build.py"), "build"],
You can discard your changes made in local.py
and follow these
instructions to make your game available with the new
configuration system.
Start by creating a project file genvid.hcl
under your project
folder, e.g., samples/mygame
, with the following content:
// Version number. Don't change it.
version = "1.1"
// Same name as the one used for self.GAMES["mygame"]
name = "mygame"
// The game job. The name of the job should match the template name.
job "mygame" {
// Services that the game depend before starting
depends_on = [
// The game binary, used by the local game job template.
binary "tutorial" {
// This is equivalent to the content of the field self.GAMES["mygame"]["binaries"]
path = "{{env "PROJECTDIR" | js}}\\app\\x64\\Release\\mygame.exe"
// The game events map-reduce definition.
event "game" {
path = "{{env "PROJECTDIR" | js}}\\app\\mr.json"
// Log for the game.
// This is equivalent to the content of the field self.GAMES["mygame"]["log"].
log "game" {
task = "mygame"
stdout = false
// The local build script.
script "build" {
// Those two lines are equivalent to the self.GAMES["mygame"]["buildGameCommand"]
// and self.GAMES["mygame"]["buildWebCommand"].
commands = [
// Build the game
"\"{{env "PYTHON_EXECUTABLE" | js}}\" \"{{env "PROJECTDIR" | js}}\\run.py\" build",
// Build the web site
"\"{{env "PYTHON_EXECUTABLE" | js}}\" \"{{env "PROJECTDIR" | js}}\\web\\build.py\" build",
// What is below was not configurable in 1.0. You must now include it to
// have the sample working.
// The web server job.
job "web" {}
// The Node.js server binary, used by the local web job template.
binary "node" {
path = "node"
// Standard output of the web server.
log "web" {
stdout = true
task = "web"
// Standard error output of the web server.
log "weberr" {
stdout = false
task = "web"
// Some website configuration, used by the local web job template.
website {
root = "{{env "PROJECTDIR" | js}}\\web"
script = "{{env "PROJECTDIR" | js}}\\web\\bin\\www"
You also need to change one line in the
file. The following
section in the previous file:
MYGAME_CWD = "{{key "local/game_path" | js}}"
GLOG_logtostderr = "1"
should now be be set as:
MYGAME_CWD = "{{print (key "local/project_dir") "/app" | js}}"
GLOG_logtostderr = "1"