Upgrade from 1.41.0 to 1.42.0

Deprecated the genvid.toolbox.sdk_folder module.

The Python module genvid.toolbox.sdk_folder has been deprecated in favor of genvid.toolbox.SDKInstallationFolder.

Added reentry detection on subscriptions.

To prevent some race conditions, it is no longer possible to call Genvid_CheckForEvents(), Genvid_Subscribe(), Genvid_Unsubscribe(), Genvid_SubscribeCommand() or Genvid_UnsubscribeCommand() from their respective callbacks. Calling them will now return a GenvidStatus_InvalidState.

Reworked the Unreal Engine Plugin.

We merged the GenvidPlugin plugin into the Genvid plugin and renamed the editor module to GenvidSDKSelector. Both also properly use the module dependency functions, which should help avoid needing to manage the paths manually in your .Build.cs files. We updated the Unreal Tournament integration accordingly.

To upgrade:

  1. Remove the old Genvid and GenvidPlugin plugins.

  2. Either run the GENVID_SDK_FOLDER/engine-integration/ue4/copy-ue4-plugin.py checkout command or copy GENVID_SDK_FOLDER/engine-integration/ue4/Genvid into your Plugins folder.

To upgrade Unreal Tournament, modify the added section for Genvid in UnrealTournament/Source/UnrealTournament/UnrealTournament.Build.cs from:



if (Target.Type == TargetRules.TargetType.Editor)

Updated SDK to initialize in Unreal Game Server mode.

The SDK is now properly initialized even in server mode, which is a breaking change in the Unreal Plugin for the Genvid MILE SDK. The Streams remain deactivated to avoid breaking headless servers, but you can now send Notifications and receive Commands and Scalable Event Channels.

This could lead to unexpected results if you are running the server in the same cluster as a client (as demonstrated in our Unreal Tournament Sample).

Removed UGenvidStreamer and UGenvidWorldSettings.

In version 1.12.0, we deprecated the UGenvidStreamer and UGenvidWorldSettings classes and replaced them with new classes. We removed both from the Unreal Plugin with this release.

You can still find their code in previous releases if you need them.