Upgrade from 1.27.0 to 1.28.1

genvid-sdk package command now can create package with either hierarchical or flattening behaviour.

By default, the genvid-sdk package command creates the package with hierarchical behaviour (the directory structure is preserved in the zipped archive). We added the --flatten option to create the package with flattening behaviour (extracting files from the directory and subdirectories then packaging it).

In previous versions, only flattening behaviour was supported and was the default behaviour.

Terraform Upgrade

The previous version of the SDK was released with Terraform 0.13. It is NOT possible to directly upgrade a cluster from 0.12 directly to 0.14.

We included a script to assist with updating your existing cluster for Terraform 0.14 compatibility. You can find it in your bastion-services directory at bastion-services/terraform/upgrade/terraform_14_upgrade.py.


After upgrading to 1.28.0, run the script before performing any other actions with Terraform or your clusters. An Internet connection is required.

We recommend you back up your tfstate before running the script.

Only the Terraform 0.13 executable can migrate 0.12 states, so the script runs in the following order:

  • Moves the bundled Terraform 0.14 executable.

  • Downloads the Terraform 0.13 executable.

  • Performs the 0.13 update.

  • Restores the 0.14 executable.

  • Performs the 0.14 update.

This script only affects the Terraform state. The final state will be ready to work with.


It is possible to receive Error: Failed to query available provider packages when upgrading an existing cluster. You can resolve this by navigating to %USERPROFILE%.genvidterraformworkdir{cluster name}tf, deleting the terraform lock file, and reinitializing the cluster.

See the Terraform upgrade guide for information on updating your custom modules for the new provider pattern.

We also removed Provider versions from Bastion UI. See Terraform Provider Versions if you want to manually modify the provider version.